4.2.  Images dialog

Revision History
Revision $Revision: 1739 $ 2006-03-02 j.h

Figure 14.44.  The Images dialog

The Images dialog

The Images Dialog displays the list of open images on your screen; each of them is represented with a thumbnail. This dialog is useful when you have many overlapping images on your screen: thus, you can raise the wanted image to foreground.

4.2.1.  Activate Dialog

The Images dialog is a dockable dialog; see the section on Dialogs and Docking for help on manipulating it. It can be activated in several ways:

  • From the Toolbox menu: File ΓåÆ Dialogs ΓåÆ Images.

  • From an image menu: Dialogs ΓåÆ Images.

  • From the Tab menu in any dockable dialog: Add Tab ΓåÆ Ihmages.

4.2.2.  Using the Images dialog

At the top of the dialog appears the name of the currently selected image, if the ΓÇ£Show Image SelectionΓÇ¥ option is checked in Tab Menu. Useless if you have selected Grid mode: anyway, the name is displayed.

At center, open images appear, as a list or a grid, according to the selected mode. The current image is highlighted in list mode, outlined in grid mode. With a double click. With a simple click on an image name, you raise this image to the foreground of your screen. With a simple click you select this image so that buttons can act on it.

Three buttons at the bottom of the dialog allow you to operate on the selected image:

Grid/List modes, Previews size

As in all dialogs with thumbnails, the Tab menu gives you the possibility of adapting thumbnail display to your liking. See Docking

Raise this image's display

The selected image appears at the foreground of your screen.

Create a new display for this image

Duplicates the image window (not the image) of the selected image.


This button is not working.